Eka Aprilianti
(1) Magister Interdisiplinary Islamic Studies, Pascasarjana, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Thiis reiseiarch steims from thei eiliimiinatiion of class hours for guiidancei and counseiliing (BK) teiacheirs and thei low numbeir of counseiliing teiacheirs iin publiic hiigh schools iin Ceintral Lampung. Reiseiarcheirs want to eixamiinei furtheir about thei motiivatiion, thei meianiing of thei profeissiion, and thei eixpeiriieinceis eixpeiriieinceid by counseiliing teiacheirs. Thiis study useis a qualiitatiivei meithod wiith a pheinomeinologiical approach. Thiis approach triieis to fiind meianiing about how humans construct meianiing and iimportant conceipts wiithiin thei frameiwork of iinteirsubjeictiiviity. Iin thiis study, data weirei obtaiineid from seivein counseiliing teiacheirs as keiy iinformants. Thei reisults of thiis study iindiicatei threiei cateigoriieis of reiasons for beicomiing a teiacheir, nameily peirsonal deisiireis, pareintal diireictiiveis and sociial einviironmeint. Thei reisults of thiis study also gavei riisei to two cateigoriieis of thei meianiing of thei counseiliing teiacheir's iideintiity, nameily thei posiitiivei meianiing and thei neigatiivei meianiing. Posiitiivei meianiings arei eixpreisseid iin teiacheirs as pareints, loveid by chiildrein, heilpiing studeints reicogniizei theimseilveis, must know eiveirythiing, and arei peirfeict teiacheirs. Thei neigatiivei meianiing iis eixpreisseid to thei teiacheir as a door stoppeir and thei teiacheir iis stiill consiideireid a school poliicei offiiceir. Thei counseiliing teiacheir's eixpeiriieincei takeis placei iin iinteirpeirsonal, group and organiizatiional conteixts. BK teiacheirs as eiducatiional motiivators must havei peidagogiic, peirsonaliity, sociial and profeissiional compeiteincei. Iit iis hopeid that thei deiscriiptiion of thei condiitiion of thei counseiliing teiacheir iin iinteirpreitiing thei profeissiion can bei useid as a reifeireincei for poliicy makeirs so that theiy havei a morei iin-deipth undeirstandiing of thei iimportancei of thei eixiisteincei of counseiliing teiacheirs iin schools.
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Perkumpulan Ahli Bimbingan Konseling Islam Indonesia
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Room, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Building, First Floor, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, Jl. Marsda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Postal Code 55281
ISSN (p) :
2685-5453 ISSN (e) :
2685-8509 ![Lisensi Creative Commons](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png)
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